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A little History on personal development over the years !

Dernière mise à jour : 5 déc. 2021

Article written by Estelle

November 26, 2021

Parce qu'on parle tant de développement personnel, il est important de connaître les dates importantes. On vous a concocté une petite frise chronologique sur l'histoire du développement personnel, allant des dates importantes au faits concrets à savoir. On espère que ça vous amusera !

Because it is important to talk about personal development and to know where this practice dates back to, we offer you a small chronological timeline on the history of personal development going through the important dates and the main advances of this technique. We hope that you will enjoy it !!

Here is the timeline which retrace a little the main points about the history of personal development, by reading this let it all go !

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