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Tips to help you turning negative experiences into positive ones

Dernière mise à jour : 5 déc. 2021

Article written by Safia

November 19, 2021

Life will teaches you a lot. In order to learn from it, you have to go through one of the hardest obstacles. That doesn't mean you have to let it affect you. In the contrary, you have to find ways to turn the negative experiences you went through into positives ones. This is the reason why we are going to give you some tips about it!

Résumé en français : L'objectif de cette article est de vous prouver que vous avez la capacité de transformer vos expériences négatives en positive. Il conviendra d'aborder en premier les raisons pour lesquelles nous devons faire face à des expériences négatives, pour ensuite vous donner nos conseils : Laisser le passer dans le passer car si vous désirez changer votre vie, cela n'est pas judicieux de ressasser son passé mais plutôt d'apprendre de celui-ci pour pour avancer dans votre vie et vous vous sentirez mieux en offrant votre aide à d'autre personnes qui traverse les mêmes épreuves que vous.

Why do we have to face negative experiences?

As Trent Shelton would say "Your path may not be easy. You might have to climb more peeks, you may endure more storms, but never forget your life has purpose.". In other words, life is not always going to be simple for all of us but you can do something greater about it. Obstacles are always thrown into our way. But if they are a part of our lives, this is certainly not in order to destroy us but to elevate us, mentally and emotionally. For instance, if you had to face a traumatic experience such as war, a car accident or other events that made you sad such as failing your violin exam or a heartbreak, that doesn't mean that you have to be stuck on a negative mindset and suffer for the rest of your live. On the contrary, you have to learn from your negative experiences in order to grow.

From a negative experience to a learning experience.

  • The past is the past.

We are well aware that this is easier said than done. But what we would like you to understand is that your life is precious. As you could have seen on the previous article, it is important to let go of the negative in order to feel happier. Each day is another day to make yourself happy and stronger. You have to see yourself as strong person. See life obstacles not as negative experiences but as positive experiences beause thank to them, you have earned a lot of maturity.

  • By helping others,you are winning!

Who knows, you might be wanting to help others people who went through the same negative experiences that you went through. We deeply encourage you to do so, because not only it can be beneficial for you, but also for others. For instance, you should create associations, a group chat or even better organizing events to meet up with people who needs your help!

As the Sobereborn's redaction would say "Mutual healing is what the world needs, it is what you also need.".

We hoped that these tips will help you out!

Source picture of the title : <a href=''>Affaires photo créé par jigsawstocker -</a>

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