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Dernière mise à jour : 5 déc. 2021


November 12,2021

Source image: Pixibay

GeneralGly, the fact that we always want to control everything prevents us from developing as we should. This is often due to a certain dominant or authoritarian character trait. Unfortunately, wanting to manage everything around us only serves to disturb either our inner peace or to exhaust us morally.

Résumé en français: De part cet article, nous voulons sensibiliser notre éditorial sur le fait de lâcher prise, de ne pas avoir un contrôle constant sur toutes choses. En effet,le fait de toujours avoir une mainmise partout et un contrôle totale nous empêche de profiter pleinement des bons moments de la vie car ce sont ces petits instants qui font notre grand bonheur. Ainsi, pour pallier à cette situation on vous passe quelques conseils pour y remédier. Aussi, on vous laisse plus bas un lien qui vous conduit directement à un questionaire en rapport avec la thématique.


It is important, if not existential, to let go at some point in our lives.It is in this perspective that the psychologist Nicolas Sarrasin will say " Le lâcher prise rime aussi avec acceptation,pardon, et demande parfois de faire le deuil de ce à quoi l’on tient ". Letting go on a daily basis would allow us to avoid wasting our inner peace, i.e. the self, and the outer one with others. It is important to emphasise that refusing to accept a past of any kind by fully embedding it in our present is the source of many difficulties. It allows us not to miss out on the good times in our lives. Letting go helps us not to selfishly hold someone back even when we have the reality that it is the right time for them to go.

How do you let go?

Here are some tips on how to successfully let go. Firstly, you need to have confidence in yourself and in life. This will help you to deal with things better. Then, you should learn to live in the moment without worrying. Develop positive thoughts and regularly take time for yourself. Finally, stop feeling guilty.

The link of questionary.


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