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Dernière mise à jour : 3 déc. 2021


Source image: Pxabay

In a world where we are managed and submitted by and through various dogmas and laws established by society, I wish you to be positive. A society where abnormality becomes normal, where our differences overwhelm us and plunge us into continuous stress. I invite you to be positive.Nowadays, it doesn't take much to end up with stressing disorders or anxiety generally because we are different from the majority.

Résumé en français: Cet article a pour objectif d’éveiller une conscience. Ayant la triste réalité de ce que nos différences peuvent engendrer en nous , causé généralement par une majorité qui s’est permise d’établir certaines règles sans tenir compte d’autrui, on vous recommande d'être positive. Tout d’abord, nous commencerons par vous montrer quelles sont les conséquences des réactions de la société vis-à-vis de nos différences. Ensuite, nous vous donnerons certaines clés qui vous permettront de revivre, d'être positive, productive .

Social dictatorship

A majority that has determined itself without considering the impact on others. The simple fact of being too short, too tall, too fat, very thin and so on became one of the potential ways of braiding. Unfortunately, this has resulted in the imbalance of some people, with their physical and moral health turned upside down on a daily basis. Forgetting that society by definition is '' a set of people who share norms, behaviors, and who interact in cooperation to form social groups or a community '' these last ones by a look of too much, a comment of more have awakened relational difficulties that is to say a fear of asserting oneself; a lack of concentration and sometimes the fact of being regularly irritable in other people.

Impose your vision on the world

This cannot continue! There is no longer any need to respond to an aggression suffered or to hide and close oneself off. No more need to respond to pressure or to an unusual situation. It is in this perspective that Nathaniel Branden will say " c’est l’image que nous avons de nous-même qui fait notre destin”, that is to say that the world will see us as we see ourselves. I suggest that you start to love yourself more and have self-esteem. Generally, the people in front of us treat us in a certain way according to the reflection of what we project. So be more yourself, more joyful and assume yourself as you are without worrying about what people will say, just live each moment as if it was the last and above all do not forget to be positive because life is beautiful and deserves to be lived whatever your social class, your physical appearance or your origins. Never forget to live…

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