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Self-improvement : A beneficial journey to change yourself for the better!

Dernière mise à jour : 5 déc. 2021

Article written by Safia

October 29, 2021

Climbing, falling, getting up, climbing again and so on… Does that make you remember something? Your life’s path. Life is indeed a vicious cycle because yours is never going to be perfect. There will be some good and bad moments. But you are the only one who can change it for the better. How can you? By practicing self-improvement. In this article, we are going to help you out by discovering what self-improvement is about and how you can practice it on a daily basis.

Résumé en français : Dans cette article, nous allons vous parler de l'amélioration de soi. Nous commencerons par vous expliquer ce concept en utilisant les cas de personnes qui sont devenus coachs et qui ont utilisés leur histoire personnel pour évoluer dans leur vies. Puis, nous terminerons par vous donner deux de nos conseils : Créer un tableau de vision, où vous mettrai des post-it ou des affiches avec des mots qui vous donneront envie de les lire tous les jours pour vous donner de la motivation à atteindre vos objectifs personnels et écrire dans un journal de progrès, afin que vous puissiez relire et vous féliciter à la fin de votre progression de tous les efforts que vous aviez réaliser.

What is self-improvement?

According to the Collins’ dictionary it is “the improvement of one’s status, position, education, etc, by one’s own efforts”. That is to say that you are the only one who can change things for the better in your life, on your own. The idea is to work on yourself harder than usual. It can be any aspect of your life that you want to improve. The road might be lonely at first, but this is the sacrifice that you have to make in order to improve yourself in many aspects of your life. Let’s not forget that in order to improve yourself, you have to practise self-knowledge first. If you are willing to change, self-improvement is definitely possible. Quite sceptical? Let’s take the example of Iyanla Vanzant. She is an American inspirational speaker and a coach. She started to use her painful past into something positive, which is to help people improve in any aspect of their lives. For instance, she has been launching a series called “fix my life” from 2012 until 2021. According to Iyanla “When you don’t know who you are, chances are you don’t know what you want. When you don’t know what you want, there is no chance for you to get it.”. In other words, you need to start by practising self-knowledge in order to practise self-improvement.

Two steps to your self-improvement journey.

Before practising self-improvement, as we previously said before, self-knowledge is important. This is why you need to make sure you have read the article of self-knowledge before going any further on your learning journey of self-improvement tips.

We strongly advise you to follow these 3 steps based on our opinions.

1. Create a vision board!

Either it’s a numerical or a paper board, a vision board is what you need to have in your house. We advise you to write down all the goals you wish to reach and to achieve in the future. A vision board will enable you to never forget your goals but also it will give you a lot of motivation to improve yourself thanks to them.We advise you to write down the date on each of your goals, so that you will be more organized and it will give you a task to improve yourself.

2. Hold a diary!

It might seems to be old-fashioned to you, but holding a diary can be very beneficial! We advise you to write down your progress through your self-improvement journey. So that once you have fully reached your goals, you can re read them at any time to see how far you went so that you can be very proud of yourself!

We hope that our advice worked for you!

Source of the main picture :

<a href=''>Love photo created by freepik -</a>

Sources of the gifs :

Gif 1 : <iframe src="" width="480" height="480" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>

Gif 2 : <iframe src="" width="480" height="366" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>

Sources articles and dictionarry :

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