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Self-knowledge : Do you really know yourself ?

Dernière mise à jour : 5 déc. 2021

Article written by Estelle

October 15, 2021

La connaissance de soi permet d'apprendre qui nous sommes vraiment, ce qu'on désir accomplir et ce qui nous inspire. C'est également ce qui va améliorer notre confiance en nous afin de préparer chaque étape de la vie.

Self-knowledge allows us to learn who we are, what we want to achieve, what inspires us. It is important to know about us this is what will increase our self-esteem so that we can take each step of life.

Self-knowledge helps answer certain questions as well, for example how we are seen by others and how we behave in this world. Self-knowledge is positive. This does not mean that you will like yourself right away, but knowing yourself will make it possible to overcome a lot of obstacles.

Studies about self-knowledge, do you really know yourself ?

Studies show that a person who has achieved complete self-knowledge will be better off, have stronger relationships, be a more confident person and be more creative.

Take the example of Tasha Eurich, who, for four years dedicated herself to studying people who looked at themselves in the mirror, so she became interested in their self-knowledge. After doing a lot of interviews, analyzing samples of people who gained self-knowledge, she was able to define two types of people : people who know themselves and those who think they know themselves.

According to their research, 95% of people thought they knew themselves, while only 10-15% really knew themselves. We can learn a lot from people who really know their true self because it is their teaching that will teach us to really know us. After your acquisition of self-knowledge, you will be able to begin your self-improvement.

Questions to ask ourself

In order to know if you are truly confident in yourself, you don't have to make sure you really know yourself but rather think that you have increased your self-knowledge over the years.

However, it is not enough to reflect on oneself in order to know oneself, on the contrary it takes us away from our goal. We should not ask ourselves the question "why?" "Because self-knowledge passes through the unconscious. Of course we must not stop thinking, we just have to do it in a different way, that is to say, we must rather ask ourselves" what can I do to improve something ”rather than“ why I can't seem to do this thing ”.

Self-knowledge brings happiness and serenity. So why shouldn't it be your turn to ask yourself the right questions?

Sources :

Images : Pixabay

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