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In order to start your personal development : let's talk about the basics of it.

Dernière mise à jour : 5 déc. 2021

Article written by Estelle

September 27, 2021

Quand on parle de développement personnel, il y a plusieurs bases à acquérir : apprendre à penser positif et laisser de côté toutes ces ondes négatives.

Définir vos objectifs, afin d'évoluer et de continuer son plan de développement personnel et de gravir les échelons de la pyramide d'Abraham Maslow mais surtout apprendre à se laisser tout en respectant son rythme.

When it comes to personal development, there are some basics to have : you have to learn to think positively and therefore leave aside those negative thoughts. The objectives to be defined are important in order to evolve and to carry out your personal development plan.

In this section, we will talk about the basics of personal development and how to improve your life.

What is personal development based on?

First of all, personal development corresponds to several practices that allow us to improve our self-knowledge, to know how to recognize our strengths and to express them, to improve our personal life as well as the way we live it and the positive attracting the positive, the achievement of our goals and dreams. Personal development is built on several practices, including psychology, the practice of sport and philosophy.

In order for personal development to take place, it is enough to let go of all these negative thoughts that can harm our life and thus think positively, if you are more than decided to take back your life in hand, surround yourself with positive waves.

Personal development also allows you to free yourself from several things whether it is to remove the benign pathological aspects like shyness, phobia, etc. or whether it is to put all the chances on your side and thus allow you to develop your talents or your performances like speak up, be sure of yourself etc.

Among the bases of personal development, we find:

- Self-confidence, so that the success is final and that you no longer doubt yourself.

- Take into account your objectives, in order to know what you really want and how we will be able to access them, find things to transform in you.

- Think about your needs, you can see the pyramid of the classification of needs created by Abraham Maslow as early as 1943 :

Depending on our individual fulfillment needs, people can climb the ladder and achieve full personal fulfillment.

The benefits of personal development

Personal development can really improve your life and remove harmful effects such as stress which is often a problem in achieving our goals and which locks us in on ourselves; moreover, it accentuates creativity by having confidence in you, you are no longer afraid of having ideas that before you could never have been able to bring out.

In order to put all this in place, you can create your own personal development plan in which you will place the goals you want to achieve in a specific context whether it is your career or otherwise. Maslow's pyramid shows that when you have reached the last stage, you have achieved total personal development as we have seen before.

To summarize this article, to start your personal development you must:

- Avoid bad thoughts and think positively.

- Learn to let go

- Define your objectives

- Climb the ranks at your own pace and goals

And I will leave you with this quote from William Ernest Henley " I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul" : which sums up the general idea of ​​personal development rather well.

Sources :éveloppement_personnel

Sources image : Pixabay

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